Geneva Cruz
“My birthplace is Tularosa, New Mexico. We came to California when I was a small child and my parents were seeking work to support my other my other 3 brothers and myself. My mother was not a very well person and had alot of stomach problems. I always heard all my aunts and uncles talk about the bomb that went off in N.M. but I didn't really realize the severity till I was older. All 7 of my aunts and uncles died of cancer, a few of their children also died from cancer and I worry about us, the 2nd generation, succumbing to this awful disease. I witnessed my beloved mother suffer and die from a cancerous tumor in her stomach as I did with a few uncles and aunts. I remember my mother and aunt telling us kids how the sky lit up like fire the night it was detonated. Their home was in Carrizozo, N.M. please help us seek justice. It's not about the money, it's about justice for all my loved ones. Out of 9 brothers and sisters, 6 succumbed to cancer, as well as 2 grandchildren. Please help do what's right.”