How to call:

  • For maximum impact, we’re encouraging everyone to call Rep Maloy’s St. George office at (801) 364-5550

  • Share your name, and where you live in Utah

  • If you have personal experience as a downwinder, share your story.

  • Make sure to share the following message:

    • I do not support efforts to only extend RECA as-is. This would only be an extension of injustice.

    • I am disappointed that Rep. Maloy has introduced legislation for a two-year extension.

    • All Utahns deserve support for being poisoned by radiation from our government’s above-ground nuclear testing.

    • Rep Maloy should instead support legislation to cover all Utahns and other exposed communities.

Call Rep. Maloy: (801) 364-5550

US above-ground nuclear weapons testing exposed all of Utah to dangerous levels of radiation. Countless people in the state have known the devastation of families and communities ravaged by cancers linked to radiation exposure.

Despite this, "downwinders” are only eligible for coverage through the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act if they lived in one of 10 southern Utah counties in the shaded area to the right. If you lived in a northern county - you’re excluded.

RECA will expire on June 7, and Rep. Maloy has introduced a bill to extend RECA as-is, continuing this injustice for Utahns.

This is urgent: call Rep. Maloy today and tell her that she must support efforts to expand RECA to include all of Utah and other excluded communities.